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What's your most wanted feature?
What do you think about a shopping district or a mall accessible from metropolis? We could have all the future upcoming stores (beach wear, costumes, shoes, sex toys, lingerie, ...) there. Would make it easier for new players to find the places where they can buy new outfits.
[Image: latest?cb=20121215123657&path-prefix=de]
Relax, it's just a bunch of chicks taking a hot bath
(12-03-2015, 12:28 AM)Johnny_X Wrote: What do you think about a shopping district or a mall accessible from metropolis? We could have all the future upcoming stores (beach wear, costumes, shoes, sex toys, lingerie, ...) there. Would make it easier for new players to find the places where they can buy new outfits.

I like the idea of a shopping mall zone (and shoes!!) but I think if all future stores are located in the one zone it would kinda lower any reason to explore the map in general. Perhaps if the Mnf Mall had 1 or 2 stores in it + an arcade with a mini game?

I prefer having to travel the map to buy different clothes, ie Beach for bikini, Red heat for snow gear etc.

Just made a new character and I realize that you cant have black or blue hair Sad I wish to add these to my list of wanted features!
Beta player:
Shey - lvl 5 Female  Tongue
Just joined today. Great potential in the game from what I've seen.

My suggestions (other than the typical more sex poses and clothes...)

1. More BODY TYPES so there is more diversity in characters. Like different character heights, body 'thickness' (ex...voluptuous, skinny, etc)...I do realize this may cause more work for the developers than its worth.
2. Ability to CREATE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS to 'play' with. I know its a social game, but it'd be cool if you could have your own 'harem'.  I'd be happy to pay for this as a premium feature.
3. More MINI-GAMES to earn money.  The ideas are limitless on this so I'd be happy with whatever the developers can come up with.

Again, this is a cool community. Hopefully it continues to grow.  Its a nice distraction.  Smile.
Well mine are quiet uncreative but still ... :p

Probably the most wanted thing now is more poses.
Same-sex scenes.
Transgender characters.
Money making methods.
I might go overboard with this, but it would an absolutely awesome gimmick to get pregnant INGAME.
- Captain, thar she blows! What should we do/!
- Men to guns! ... Run the guns you fools!
I think they should add more scenes from their games, like bondage from bakas mother, shower scenes and more important: huge boobs, like tsunades and Mrs claus and diva Mizuki
Spec mode and a area for man/girl pic in museum
Bath togetherr Smile
---------------- My heart is colder than your invites. -----------------------------------

---PieGiRL--Lv5----- Tongue
I doubt that they.ll include ALL of this, but nevertheless...
1. Futanari (including futa on male action)
2. Strapon dildos and other sex toys (to be used on both sexes - I'd LOVE pegging to be an option)
3. Same-sex sex scenes
4. Orgies and gangbang/reverse gangbang
5. The ability to get pregnant
7. Stripping for truth or dare and other party games
8. Public masturbation
9. The ability to publicly humiliate another avatar (with mutual consent, of course), like parading him around on a leash (if you read my username, you shouldn't be surprised)
10. Spanking as a sex scene all on it's own (like over the knee)
11. Making anal optional
12. The ability to play with the other's ass, breasts, kiss, pull hair, etc. during sex
13. The ability to change facial expressions during sex
14. Sound - maybe give us the options to moan, scream, whimper, cry out in pain, gasp, etc during sex

Like I said, these might not all be possible, but they're things I'd LOVE to see in the game
Ability to give items / cash to other players.

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